Welcome to Inferno

Rapture: This layout was meant to be just another normal pre-made design that you can find at AfterLife but I saw the layout contest over at Celestial Star and got really exicited about entering. So, i'll be entering this layout and one other. About this layout a bit is that I was hoping to make one of my best layouts ever and when you try to make something good it usally doesn't turn out very good in the end. I made four layouts just like this one before I made and stayed with this one. This one is small in size and uses very nice shades of lime green. I thought the contrast was pretty good too.

This layout could be used as a blog layout, or some sort of smaller site too. Navigation uses the links at the top.

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Site copyrighted to you. Layout designed by Eve of AfterLife . Layout downloaded at Celestial Star . Pattern from Pootato.ORG . Brushes from Imagination & The 5th Muse . Image from Summer Skies .